
  • D.S. Shirobokova master's student, NAO "Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin", Astana
  • Akanova Zh.Zh. PhD, senior researcher, NAO "Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin", Astana
  • Borovikov S.N. PhD, acting professor, NAO "Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin", Astana


Avian salmonellosis is widespread [1,2] and causes significant damage to poultry farming due to mortality, decreased meat and egg production, and requires costs for prevention and treatment of infected livestock [3]. With weakened immunity or infection with highly virulent strains of the pathogen, salmonellosis can cause mass death of chickens, especially young animals. But most importantly, poultry products can serve as a source of infection and cause foodborne diseases in the population [4, 5]. In veterinary practice, diagnostics of avian salmonellosis includes analysis of epizootological data, clinical signs and pathomorphological changes, but the final diagnosis is made using laboratory diagnostic methods. As before, the main method for diagnosing this infection is bacteriological analysis. Its main disadvantages are the duration of the procedure (up to 3 days), the presence of trained personnel and laboratory conditions. The veterinary diagnostics market includes imported commercial tests (ELISA, PCR), which are actively used to monitor the spread of this infection [6].

The study of antibiotic resistance of Salmonella bacteria is currently relevant due to a number of factors. Firstly, salmonella are pathogens that cause food poisoning in humans. Secondly, mutations of salmonella strains lead to the emergence of new ones that are resistant to antibiotics, which is a problem for veterinary medicine and public health. This circumstance makes the use of standard control schemes less effective [7]. Based on the above, the purpose of our work is to study samples of biological and pathological material from poultry farms, as well as to study the level of antibiotic resistance in the isolated isolates of Salmonella bacteria.



How to Cite

D.S. Shirobokova, Akanova Zh.Zh., & Borovikov S.N. (2024). DETECTION OF SALMONELLA INFECTION IN POULTRY FARMS IN AKMOLA REGION. Academics and Science Reviews Materials, (8). Retrieved from