Effects of human capital on entrepreneurial ecosystems in the emerging economy: the role of digitalization and Innovative Capability


  • Du Pei Tao 2st year Doctoral Student, DBA, Al-Farabi business school, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Doszhan Raygul Phd, Al-Farabi business school, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


human capital, entrepreneurial ecosystems, emerging economies, digitalization, innovation potential, globalization, sustainable development


In emerging economies, human capital plays a key role in the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems that are increasingly dependent on digitalization and innovation potential. In the context of globalization and rapid technological progress, digitalization is transforming the way businesses do business, expanding opportunities for entrepreneurs and contributing to the development of innovative solutions. In this context, human capital, including the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, becomes the main factor in the successful functioning of entrepreneurial ecosystems, since it ensures adaptation to new technologies and market conditions.The study is relevant for emerging economies, as they face the need to create sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems capable of coping with the challenges of the modern global market. In the context of increasing digitalization and the need for innovation, the availability of qualified and flexible human capital is becoming an essential condition for the successful development of entrepreneurship and technological innovations



How to Cite

Du Pei Tao, & Doszhan Raygul. (2024). Effects of human capital on entrepreneurial ecosystems in the emerging economy: the role of digitalization and Innovative Capability. Academics and Science Reviews Materials, (8). Retrieved from https://ojs.scipub.de/index.php/ASCRM/article/view/4754