Технология применения методов проблемного обучения на уроках биологии


  • Жарылкасынова Г.А. Астана Халықаралық университеті, 7M01502 Биология ББ, 2 курс магистранты
  • Жумадилов Б.З. б.ғ.к., ассоц.профессор м.а, Қазақстан, Астана
  • Zharylkasynova G.A. Astana International University, 2nd-year Master's student, EP 7M01502 Biology
  • Zhumadilov B.Z. Candidate of Biological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor, Kazakhstan, Astana


Problem-based learning, biology lesson, problem situation, teaching methods, independent learning, analytics, photosynthesis, teamwork, search and reproductive activities, textbook


This article discusses the features of the technology of using problem-based learning in biology lessons. The problem-based learning method is an effective pedagogical approach aimed at increasing the cognitive activity of students and developing their ability to learn independently. The ways of creating problematic situations in the classroom, developing research skills and determining ways to solve them are discussed. In addition, the methodological aspects and advantages of organizing problem-based learning in accordance with the content of the biology subject are described. This method helps to increase students' interest in the subject, develop critical thinking and creative abilities. The abstract also provides specific examples and techniques that enhance the effectiveness of problem-based learning



How to Cite

Жарылкасынова Г.А., Жумадилов Б.З., Zharylkasynova G.A., & Zhumadilov B.Z. (2024). Технология применения методов проблемного обучения на уроках биологии. Academics and Science Reviews Materials, (8). Retrieved from https://ojs.scipub.de/index.php/ASCRM/article/view/4730